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Tahiri: Majority of Serbs possess Kosovo IDs (

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, stated that majority of Serbs already possess ID of Kosovo, as result of the Brussels dialogue.
She said that the reach of the agreement on free movement in 2011 made “majority of Serbs to take the IDs of Kosovo state.”
“This is a positive development that has changed the situation positively, because from the end of the war to the start of the dialogue in Brussels, Kosovo Serbs, under negative influence of Belgrade, had refused to become part of the system of Kosovo’s state and take Kosovo IDs.” Tahiri said.
She said that due to the dialogue, many members of Serb minority “are now part of the system and of the state institutions of Kosovo, at the central and local level and this progress is related to the re-integration of the Serb minority in the public and social life of Kosovo. However, a small part of Kosovo Serbs have not taken the IDs of the Republic of Kosovo yet. We have raised this issue in Brussels in order to request engagement of the European Union on the solution of this matter and to stop negative impacts of Belgrade.”
Kosovo party has requested during the most recent meeting in Brussels for all Kosovo Serbs to be equipped with IDs. “Therefore, we as government of Kosovo, together with the European Union will finally resolve this problem and soon, those individuals who do not possess Kosovo state documents, will have them. Just as we managed and we are managing to integrate through dialogue the Serb community especially from the north in other fields, such as the case of disintegration of parallel structures of Serbian police, then the so-called “civilian defense,” justice parallel structures, the problem of the use of the illegal IDs in the Republic of Kosovo will end,” Tahiri said.