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Kosovo reports to Brussels: No Association without implementation of prior agreements (Koha)

The Office of Kosovo Prime Minister announced it has submitted to European Union the regular report on the dialogue with Serbia. In it, the government of Kosovo says that the dialogue contributes to peace and stability in the region, good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, as well as to the advancement Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo. With regards to implementation of Brussels agreements, the government of Kosovo claims the reporting period has not marked any substantial progress. “Kosovo has been effective in fulfilling its obligations and fully cooperated with the EU to push forward the agreements’ implementation process. However, the same does not apply to Serbia which virtually blocked the process of implementation by not making any significant moves in fulfilling its assumed obligations”, the statement reads. Authorities in Belgrade are held responsible for the lack of progress in allocating Kosovo a dialing code for not implementing agreement on the independent operation of the Kosovo energy transmission system (KOSTT). “These two agreements are of paramount importance to Kosovo and have been in the negotiating table for more than five years. Serbia has also delayed the removal of the barricade (“Peace Park”) from the Mitrovica Bridge because the EU has not yet been able to commence with the revitalization of the bridge, agreed to be completed no later than June 2016”, the government said adding that in face of this obstructiveness, it has made it clear that there will be no implementation actions with regards to the agreement on establishment of Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. ”Once the above mentioned blockades are removed, we will duly implement our obligations regarding the implementation of Association Agreement. The Association shall not have any executive power and shall not be a third level of governance, considering that the Kosovo Constitution or respective Kosovo Laws do not provide for any of such competencies”. The report covers the period from 1 January to 15 June 2016.