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NISMA; Consensus to defend the country, not to sell it (Indeksonline)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) assesses that there should be a consensus to defend Kosovo and not to sell it. NISMA has accused the coalition government for the political crisis and calls for gathering of the political specter.

 “NISMA is convinced that the political culture for a consensus on national matters should lead the entire communication among the political parties of the government and opposition.” This party considers that any attempt to defend the undefendable, to harm territorial integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo, any attempt to objects the national consensus on vital issues for the people of Kosovo, cannot produce rational opinion or action.

“NISMA is convinced that Kosovo is facing political crisis, which cannot resolve by barricading,” notes a press release issued by this political party, which further blames the government for the prolongation of the crisis.

“NISMA requests from the coalition government not to address the blame where it does not belong, but to take over responsibility and find solution for the country. The coalition has mandate only to govern the country, not to give away territory and lose sovereignty. Accusations of the opposition for violence and lack of readiness to discuss are  not grounded.

Let the responsibility to end the prolonged political crisis, to offer a substantial dialogue or solution, be found on free, honorable and democratic elections,” concludes the press release.