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Fungo: Only KFOR is authorized army in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

KFOR Commander Giovanni Fungo, was asked in a written interview of the paper, to comment the war-inducing comments of the Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić, who threatened to send the army to Kosovo. Fungo said that the force that he commands, is the only army that can act in Kosovo. He added that this was also decided by the Kumanovo agreement, signed between NATO and Serbia in 1999. He also stressed that during the tensions of the last weekend, KFOR was in the state of alert. However, he informed that in such situations, KFOR’s involvement comes after the engagement of the Kosovo Police and EULEX, as the third responding force. He did not comment details with regards to the situation with the train, escalation of the situation between Kosovo and Serbia in the north, KFOR Commander admitted that the recent events were concerning and stressed that problems should be resolved through dialogue and with constraint.

We have seen renewal of tensions in northern Kosovo during the last weeks, which escalated with the train incident, during the last weekend. What is your assessment about the situation in the north? Do these tensions endanger the fragile peace in this part of Kosovo?

The events in northern Kosovo during the last weekend were concerning. Any tension in the north or anywhere else could have a negative impact in the process of the normalization between Belgrade and Pristina. Stabilization of the relations would result with a safe environment, which would create conditions for the improvement of the economy in the region. This is the reason why KFOR continues to call for restraint and dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, while at the same time it tries to implement its mandate according to the Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council.

We have seen Kosovo institutions in action to prevent entrance of the illegal train from Serbia. Was KFOR part of that action? And what other sorts of actions does KFOR undertake to prevent escalation of the situation in the north? 

During last Saturday’s events in northern Kosovo, KFOR has continuously observed the situation and has closely monitored it. KFOR was and is ready to help, if necessary, as a third responder, following EULEX and Kosovo Police, in order to maintain a safe and secure environment and guarantee the freedom of movement.

On Sunday, President of Serbia made a direct military threat against Kosovo. He said he was ready to send the military here and even come personally if “Serbs are being killed.” As a NATO-led force commander mandated to protect Kosovo borders, how do you respond to this statement?

KFOR continues to carry out its mandate in accordance to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 from 1999 which stipulates maintaining a safe and secure environment and guarantee the freedom of movement. In particular, in accordance to technical-military agreement, KFOR is the only armed force authorized to be present in Kosovo. Nevertheless, in order to foster close relations and build trust, KFOR is in continuous contact with all parties.

Apart from the present situation, how would you assess cooperation with Kosovo institutions?

Within the framework of the UN mandate, we have established a very fruitful cooperation and dialogue with Kosovo institutions. In my capacity as KFOR commander, I have regular meetings with political authorities and religious leaders of all levels in order to exchange viewpoints concerning the present situation. Progress towards a sustainable solution can only happen at the political level. KFOR is working in creating and maintaining security conditions to enable that progress.

KFOR’s mission includes support for development of the Kosovo Security Force. Considering that the Government of Kosovo plans to transform the KSF into a Kosovo Armed Force, how do you assess KSF’s capacity? Is it ready to transform into KAF?

Kosovo Security Force is today a professional force and KFOR continues to assist in the building of a capable Kosovo Security Force, within the present UN mandate. I will not comment on possible KSF transformation. This is an issue that should be addressed at a political level.