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War associations: We will be against those that oppose the army (Kosovapress)

The Association of the Families of KLA War Martyrs and the Association of KLA War Invalids issued a joint statement today calling on Kosovo’s institutions to take all the necessary steps to form the Kosovo Army. The statement notes: “There can be no independent country without an army and this is why Kosovo must have its army. There is no country in the world that does not rely its defense force on its army and Kosovo should do the same. The Kosovo Army is one of the most important pillars of Kosovo’s independence, and will also serve as the main pillar for safeguarding Kosovo’s freedom. The Kosovo Army is the foundation of its security, protection and a guarantee for Kosovo’s independence. The Kosovo Army is a request by the people of Kosovo, all those that see Kosovo as their homeland … this is why the Army should be formed as soon as possible. We support all political and social forces in Kosovo that are in the service of the process for creating the Kosovo Army. We will stand against those that oppose the Army … The KLA War Associations have so far been very patient over the delayed formation of the Kosovo Army, but if this issue is not resolved soon we will not bear any responsibility for civil disobedience”.