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Hahn: Statements on unification of Kosovo and Albania, dangerous and unacceptable (Tema)

The European Union Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, told Tema that statements for eventual national unification of Albanians in case EU does not open doors for Kosovo and Albania, are dangerous and unacceptable. “First of all, there is an uncontested perspective of all Western Balkans countries to join the EU and we will continue to work with all partners in the region in a bilateral manner on their European road.

As me and the EU High Representative Mogherini repeated so many times, the statements which could be interpreted as political interference by the neighboring countries, cannot help on building good neighborly relations and they expose region to dangers of escalating rhetoric and ethnic tensions. This appeal is valid for all key political actors in the region, who should show responsibility with their actions and statements about the stability of the region.

The European Union expects from all leaders of the region to continue building constructive, cooperative relations and intensify work with respective programs of reforms in order to move forward in their journey of European integration. The Trieste Summit is about the major role of cooperation and successful regional intercommunication for preparation of Western Balkans membership at the European Union.

Asked if unification of two countries is possible if they both express their free will on this direction, Hahn said that such discussions are dangerous and unacceptable. “I think that it is important to look into the perspective of the entire region. The entire energy and focus should be directed toward the reforms agenda related to the three pillars of the enlargement strategy: rule of law, economic governing and reform of public administration. This will improve living conditions of the citizens,” Hahn said.