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Ahmeti: Change of Kosovo borders, with domino effect (KosovaPress)

The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI) in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Ali Ahmeti, told Kosovapress that statements of senior politicians in Serbia to redesign borders of Kosovo, are dangerous and with a domino effect for Western Balkans. He added that these matters should be considered seriously and with a cold blood, because if borders start to change, then they would have a domino effect for the other countries as well. Ahmeti said that Russia is also contributing to these ideas, because it does not want Western Balkans to be part of EU and even less of NATO. “Furthermore, President Vladimir Putin and Sergej Lavrov, openly stated that Macedonia’s membership at NATO is the most classic and worst provocation that can be done to Russia,” Ahmeti said. He believes that the only unification of Albanians can happen in the European Union, by removing borders.

He further appealed to authorities in Serbia, Kosovo, but also FYROM and Albania, to analyze in cold blood circumstances of what is more productive and beneficial for the region.