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Hoxhaj: Non-recognition by five EU states challenges Kosovo’s statehood (Telegrafi)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, said in Strasbourg before the members of the European Parliament that it was unimaginable that ten years since the declaration of independence, there are still five EU countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo. “Agenda against international recognition of Kosovo is a Russian agenda and it is absurd that in 2018, the EU countries have not managed to find a common language on Kosovo. This lack of unity within the EU has reflected on Kosovo’s position in the newest EU enlargement strategy,” Hoxhaj said. He also said Serbia has blocked Kosovo’s membership in the UN through Russia’s support. “Apart from obstructions at the international plan, it has been proved many times how Serbia always found a way to interfere in Kosovo’s internal affairs in order to cause destabilization,” Hoxhaj remarked.