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Continuation of dialogue damages the state-building process (S’bunker)

Kosovo Assembly Vice President and Vetevendosje Movement MP, Aida Derguti, writes in an opinion piece that Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci is trying to blame everyone but himself on Kosovo’s failure to join UNESCO.“It is funny that when Kosovo failed to join UNESCO, Thaci said that Serbia is racist and fascist, but yet, he continues to defend the agreements reached in Brussels,” Derguti writes.  “The key topic to be addressed in this case is the relationship of Kosovo and Serbia. From the beginning, the process of dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade was justified by the goal of normalizing relations between the two countries. We were told that the obstacle called Serbia would be removed and Kosovo would continue towards international recognition and internal consolidation. But that didn’t happen. Rather, just the opposite occurred," Derguti argues.

According to her, the rejection in UNESCO should be a moment of reflection on the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue. “This event is also a proof that the dialogue didn’t bring the expected results. Being constructive towards Serbia would mean to be destructive to Kosovo’s sovereignty. The continuation of this dialogue damages the state-building process,” Derguti concludes.