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President, what are you waiting for? (Kosova Sot)

The front page of the paper says that new elections in Kosovo are unavoidable because “all the other alternatives to overcome the political crisis, created since the establishment of an insatiable government of elephants, and later the signing of the anti-constitutional agreements, have been exhausted.”  Kosova Sot further notes that based on the Constitution, the power to dissolve the Assembly and announce the date for new elections belongs to the President. According to the paper this is a historical chance for President Atifete Jahjaga to undertake “at least one wise and courageous action, which would untie the knot of the current crisis.” According to the writer of the editorial, if the new election date is not set as soon as possible, the crisis could escalate to alarming levels. “If we recall our corrupted government's statement that they can gather one million people in the streets, to show force (muscles) to the opposition, it is plain to see that this is an open call for civilian clashes; an alert on upcoming violence and destructive political action. The government is not even making minimal effort to dialogue with opposition to find a way of regaining institutional, legal, constitutional and democratic normality. The persistence to stay in power of the two incriminated leaders who failed to fulfill campaign promises, carries serious consequences for the Republic,” notes the paper, calling on the people of Kosovo to stand up and say STOP to the current government. PDK and LDK do not deserve to lead Kosovo even for another second. It is now crucial for the population to not sit back and watch while everything, from economy, healthcare, and education, to culture, sports etc. is progressively ruined. President Jahjaga, who is completing her five year mandate, but who was initially meant to be take on the position for just a few months thank to a political agreement, should now show the way out of this situation. The only solution for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo is early elections,” concludes the daily.