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The last chance (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper, writes that Kosovo is in danger of becoming a dysfunctional and corrupted Republic, lacking rule of law, economic development and being led by an incriminated oligarchy which leads the state and businesses. “In order to prevent this national tragedy, the current governing should end as soon as possible,” notes the paper. “In democracy, this happens through elections, which in Kosovo’s case are also corrupted by major parties that have caught the state and ballot boxes. However, Opposition and citizens make the majority in Kosovo. They have the historical responsibility to prevent this ruining of hope for freedom and democracy, rights and equality, development and well-being. The motto of opposition resistance should be return of hope that would open gates to young, educated, honorable people who have a perspective and who are aware of the fate of the state. The violent confrontation with the arrogant government has certainly convinced the opposition that they cannot win the future elections with the same people. So, the success of the three opposition parties can be reached by bringing closer people of dignity, professionals, who want and know how to lead Kosovo towards progress. There are hundreds, thousands of such people. We hear every day about successful Kosovars, who win prizes for their work and talent, but most of them can never become part of the governing team, managerial staff that lead the public sector. They are prevented also from private enterprises, blackmailed by party and business oligarchs who see them as unbeatable competition. Opposition should know how to draw lessons and prepare slowly the rescue of the Republic. The state should be returned to citizens and removed from the dirty hands of politicians. Together, this is possible,” notes this daily.