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A week to be remembered (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku says that intensity of the good news this week resembled the week of the declaration of the independence of Kosovo which proceeded with numerous recognitions. He considers that Kosovo needed this after almost eight year pause, after the fall of the intensity, failure at UNESCO, economic, social, and political suffocation.

Abdixhiku further writes about the benefits of Kosovo people from UEFA membership and visa liberalization. He notes that despite the financial difficulties of a major number of Kosovo people to travel, liberalization of visas means free movement to other job markets, traveling facilitation for businesses and a different image of Kosovo towards the foreign investors and visitors.

Abdixhiku says that he does not understand “turbo-nationalists” who object Kosovo’s membership at UEFA. “They are only minor groups of fanatics who are shrinking each day, and who have essential problems with the concept of Kosovo’s statehood.” The others, who see the news for the freedom of movement as a minor issue, belong to the revolted group which rejects and opposes everything, be it because they entered nihilism that does not let them see anything else but darkness they built around themselves or because they do not understand what they want.

Both news of course concern something that other countries of the region enjoyed for quite some time. Each of them was UEFA member and moved freely. In essence, we are happy to have reached normality of the region. This naturally shows how much we suffered. And it is this very suffering and our unusual path that makes these news more enjoyable. Because in days and weeks like this one, no matter how ordinary they may seem, Kosovo is definitely embodying its statehood. And our statehood, the one that we are building ourselves, is the miracle in itself.