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Renegotiation is a state interest (Koha Ditore)

Veton Surroi considers that renegotiation of the agreement for the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro is an interest of Kosovo, because, according to him, this would create an internal consensus. He also considers that it is an interest of Kosovo and Montenegro for the demarcation to happen based on the consent of both parties. Currently this is not possible being that one of the parties is not unanimous, he writes. A renegotiation could produce consensus in Kosovo, and it could also transform demarcation into a further step of deepening the relations with Montenegro.

With a successful renegotiation which leads to the agreement with Montenegro, Kosovo could appear as a serious actor in international relations and such maturity would certainly find the support of the U.S.A. and the European Union. Supporters of the independence of Kosovo will be more pleased with the maturity of the country, than by continuously dealing with its duties.

 If renegotiation of the agreement with a friendly neighboring country such as Montenegro is not possible, as the government of Kosovo claims, then renegotiation of the Brussels Agreements with Serbia will be impossible. As a result, the Assembly will be obliged to endorse everything, including evident violations of the supreme law, found by the Constitutional Court of Kosovo in the case of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities.

The government of Kosovo has seriously violated Kosovo’s state interest, be it in the process of demarcation or in the entire Brussels Agreement. There is no reason for the Assembly of Kosovo to continue with violation of state interest. In the contrary, the Assembly has the power to interrupt these violations and to put them in the consensual road of internal state reconciliation, Surroi writes.