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Little light across the jungle (Koha Ditore)

Enver Robelli writes about recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly and notes that yesterday’s session carried some important details that he further describes in the column.

Isa Mustafa, says Robelli, got elected to the post of Assembly Speaker and regardless of how long he remains in this capacity, he needs to begin immediate changes to his party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), and adds that Vjosa Osmani could be the one to take the party helm at this point. Osmani, in last elections, was the most voted woman and Kosovo needs a woman to lead a big party. “Not to fulfill the quotas but to normalize politics and put it in the service of the citizens”, writes Robelli.

Second thing that became evident during the Assembly session, is that Vetevendosje should not give up on certain principles and these include “scanning” of the dialogue with Serbia and a comprehensive investigation of the privatization process. For more hopeful governance, participation of Vetevendosje in the Government would be in the interest of the citizens of Kosovo, adds Robelli. Over the recent weeks, a basic trust has been formed between Vetevendosje and three parties wishing to form the new Government and more work should be put on this trust.

Yesterday’s session also showed that Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) considers a majority is only what they want it to be and disregard the fact that if three other parties join, they have almost 300,000 citizens’ votes. Add to this another 100,000 from Vetevendosje and this makes a solid majority, Robelli considers. “Yesterday’s behavior of the PDK at the Assembly is another testament that the party operates outside the democratic framework and as such, is dangerous for the democratic order”.

Since 8 June elections, international officials have kept a distance towards PDK, notes Robelli. Analyses of certain western countries have even found that PDK and its former coalition partner, New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), are responsible for embezzlement of 800 million euro.

Kosovo is also lacking quality of its political personnel and Ramush Haradinaj is far from being the most ideal candidate to become the new prime minister, says Robelli. “If fate brings him to the post of prime minister, he should be aware that his duty is to pay for his sins by governing in the interest of all citizens of Kosovo and without abuses”.

LDK leader Mustafa has shown a great deal of generosity towards Haradinaj by agreeing for him to take the post of prime minister but the party membership that is criticizing Mustafa for agreeing to the coalition with AAK will be LDK’s own downfall. This however can be avoided if LDK chooses a new leader and a fresh team. It should also seek partners and the most serious partner in the political market is Vetevendosje.

“Historic opportunity to change Thaci’s backward political course exists but the slope on which LDK, AAK, NISMA and Vetevendosje are walking is very thin. There is a need for determination and sincerity. From all”, concludes Robelli.