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“Interpol – overambitious aim of Pristina” (RTS)

Centre for Foreign Policy Director, Dragan Djukanovic told RTS that eventual admission of Pristina in Interpol represents an overambitious aim, however it depends from multiply lobbing activities within the Interpol.

Speaking for the RTS news edition, Djukanovic reminded that Kosovo issue divided members of Interpol Executive Board.

“The Kosovo issue divided the members of Interpol Executive Board, and the next procedure is to have a vote at the General Assembly and win two-third majority. I think this is overambitious aim, however, it depends from lobbying within Interpol,” Djukanovic noted.

He also touched upon USA involvement in Belgrade-Pristina relations, saying they are committed to reaching of a comprehensive, legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

“I think we have received clear messages during the last couple of months from USA that they are committed to reaching a comprehensive legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, to end a dialogue in a positive direction, and overcome current barricades that exist,” Djukanovic said.