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"Idea is for Macron to spur Belgrade to recognize Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92, RFI)

It is assumed that French President Emmanuel Macron could support the idea of ​​"border correction" which should resolve the Belgrade-Pristina dispute.

This is reported on Monday by the French radio RFI, which states that the idea is to "encourage Belgrade to recognize the independence of Kosovo."

"After years of relative passivity, the French diplomacy seems to actually want to once again involve itself in Balkan issues, especially in difficult negotiations on 'normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina'," reads an article published by Radio France International.

Macron's support, RFI points out ahead of the upcoming visit of the French president to Serbia, "will be crucial to persuade Germany to give up its opposition to any change of borders in the Balkans."

According to the latest assumptions, the French radio continued, "North Kosovo with the majority Serb population could be exchanged for a part of the Presevo valley in southern Serbia, where Albanians make up the majority of the population - at risk of a new regional conflict."