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Blic: Macron not giving up on his visit, comes to help with Kosovo? (Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes today that French President Emanuel Macron is not giving up on his visit to Serbia and that he is coming to “help” with Kosovo.

According to the daily, Macron would visit Belgrade on 5 and 6 December, while the protest and unrests on the streets of Paris related to the increase of fuel price, did not deter him to change his plan. Experts also said the fact he chose to stay overnight in Belgrade is a positive message.

Macron is scheduled to meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and following the meeting press conference would be held.

The second day of his visit would be dedicated to the victims of the World War I.

The daily continued the French President is visiting Serbia only, and his arrival is not part of a wider Balkans’ tour. Although his schedule was busy until the end of the year, Macron instructed his associates to free some days, in order to visit Belgrade.

“Everything is planned to show clear respect for the Serbian victims in the World War I, in particular after the scandal and mistake that his protocol made in Paris,” the source told Blic.

The daily further speculates Macron would support any idea on delineation, respectively the proposal that Serbia puts forward as acceptable for the final resolution of the Kosovo issue.