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Students responded to German Ambassador: Serbs in Kosovo same as before WWII (RTS, Tanjug)

Students of Pristina University, temporarily dislocated to Mitrovica North responded to German Ambassador in Pristina, Christian Heldt saying they had no intention to insult Germany with their performance “Kosovoschwitz” but to point out the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija find themselves in a similar situation as before the WWII, Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports. In an open letter to Ambassador Heldt, who condemned performance and termed it as “inappropriate” and “disgusting”, students said they were surprised by his reaction. Students further noted they consider that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija find themselves under circumstances similar to that before the WWII. They are persecuted, murdered, imprisoned, mistreated, their rights to freedom of movement and religion are violated, while they live in ghettos and enclaves. They also asked how Ambassador Heldt, who is a historian by profession, can term a performance requesting Europe not to allow repletion of concentration camps anywhere as “disgusting”? At the end, they invited Ambassador Heldt to be their guest and have an academic debate on history, international public law and political science, and urged him to support them and take part in students’ protests against discrimination, RTS reported.