German ambassador on „Kosovoschwitz“ performance: The parallel is over the line and disgusting, read history books! (Kossev)
The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt reacted to today’s “Kosovoschwitz” performance of students from the University of Pristina held in North Mitrovica. Heldt said that the parallel that these students drew between the present situation and the Holocaust is „over the line“ and „disgusting“.
The students’ performance was organized in protest to Pristina’s tax increase on imports of products from Serbia and the arrest of three Serbs suspected of being involved with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.
Jevtic with German Ambassador on return (KIM Radio)
Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic met yesterday with the German Ambassador in Kosovo, Christian Heldt and informed him about the issues Serb returnees are facing, including unemployment, arrests and usurped properties, KIM Radio reported.