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Vucic: We were "on verge of abyss - it's much better now" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia is making big strides forward in developing its economy, President Aleksadar Vucic said on Thursday in Bogatic, in the west of the country. Vucic is touring this area as he continues his “Future of Serbia" campaign, started last week.

"Regardless of how terrible our position was a few years ago, as we were on the verge, over the abyss of bankruptcy, now the situation is better in the state coffers and we have higher salaries and pensions," Vucic said.

He said there will be even more investments and more energy for development in the future. Speaking to the citizens of Bogatic he pointed out that Serbia has strengthened economically, and that the only problem is the issue of political stability.

"I am trying to keep quiet, not to respond to what is happening in Pristina, but also around the world, what different centers are doing to us - when they are helpful, and when they act contrary to it, but please understand it as our fighting to preserve stability, expanding our partnerships and friendships and not entering into conflicts with anyone," Vucic said.

As he said, the message to those making threatens daily in Pristina against the Serb people in Kosovo and against all of Serbia is that "keeping silent means that we are decent, but does not mean that we are weak and we will never allow you to take it out against the people in Kosovo and Metohija."

He added that he was saying this "as someone who is aware of the consequences of his words and someone who knows the strength of Serbia."

"You can see how some around us want to undermine the internal stability of Serbia and rejoice in anything that would lead to the removal of 'that Vucic'. And the fact that they rejoice best speaks to our people about who does the best. If they cheer against me wholeheartedly, it's clear to you whether I'm working in the interests of the people in Kosovo and Metohija or not," Vucic said.

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