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Dacic: We want to compromise with Kosovo, but haven’t talked concretely yet (N1, Beta)

Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister said on Monday the European Union-facilitated Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations would not resume until Kosovo’s import tariffs were in place, the Beta news agency reported.

The dialogue has been on hold since last November after Kosovo introduced the 100 percent import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and has been refusing to suspend or lift them despite pressure from the international community.

Addressing the students of the Political Sciences Faculty in Belgrade, Dacic said that a compromise did not mean that Belgrade would recognise Kosovo’s independence, but that there still were not any real talks about a solution.

“We are ready for a compromise, but Pristina believes there is no need for it. They think they can get everything and look for the creation of the Greater Albania,” the Minister said, adding there was no guarantee Kosovo and Albania wouldn’t join in one country.

He said Kosovo did not complete its independence since they did not join OSCE and UN, adding it was necessary that only a few countries withdraw the decision on recognition to reduce those states which recognised Kosovo as an independent state to under a half.

Belgrade has launched an aggressive diplomatic campaign to persuade some countries to withdraw the recognition decision or to at least suspend it until the dialogue ended.

A dozen of countries did revoke the decision, according to Belgrade, while Pristina said some of them hadn't and attributed that to Serbia's propaganda against Kosovo.

“We will never accept this unilaterally declared independence. If Pristina thinks it’s a done deal, why it is not in the UN,” Dacic said.

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