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UN Security Council on Kosovo today (Serbian media)

The United Nations Security Council in New York will discuss today the UN Secretary General's Report on the work of UNMIK, reported Serbian media.

The focus of the session will be the latest action by Kosovo special forces in the north of Kosovo, including the arrest and assault on UN Mission personnel.

The report of the UN Secretary-General on the work of UNMIK covers the period from January 16 to May 15 this year, and it states that serious tensions between Belgrade and Pristina remain an obstacle to the continuation of productive dialogue and cause concern among local and international officials due to possible deterioration in stability.

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres asked that all obstacles to the continuation of the dialogue are removed without delay and he emphasizes that the taxes on products from central Serbia are still in force, and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced countermeasures.

Guterres urges all sides to refrain from inflammatory statements and provocations that could cause disorder. He also recalls that no meeting took place between representatives of Belgrade and Pristina since the last report, under the auspice of the EU, although at the end of April, the leaders of the two sides met in Berlin at the summit organized by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron.

The report states that several incidents in ethnic mixed areas have been recorded over the past six months, so in mid-January in the village of Novake near Prizren, a school was damaged in which mostly Serb children go, also an attacker in February, who was identified as an Albanian by the UN, damaged a memorial plaque for two Serbian journalists who disappeared in 1998, the media reported.

"On April 12, near the village of Donji Jasenovik, an explosion erupted in which two vehicles and an office were damaged," Guterres said.

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at the session of the UN Security Council.