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Dacic: Great reserves concerning the outcome of the Paris Meeting (KIM Radio, Kurir)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Kurir that there is a certain will of Germany and France to hold a meeting in Paris, but there are also large reservations regarding the outcome of that meeting, KIM Radio quoted.

"If it is not known in advance that the outcome of the meeting will be positive, I do not think there will be a meeting, which would indicate that Haradinaj is stronger than all of them," Dacic told Kurir.

Last time, Dacic says, Angela Merkel and Macron have been persuading Haradinaj, who asked them: "Who will guarantee us what you are telling me?"

Then, he added, Haradinaj was invited to Merkel, to make some preparations before the meeting in Paris.

"I think that French President Emanuel Macron can no longer afford such a luxury that Haradinaj 'slaps him to face' for the second time," Dacic said.

In his view, Western politicians use Haradinaj for their mutual conflicts.

First, he explains, they want to show that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Federica Mogherini "has no idea, that she did nothing."

Secondly, US is not thrilled that Paris and Berlin have scheduled meetings and do not crave for something positive to happen. And thirdly, Paris and Berlin think they should take over the negotiation, and Brussels is against it.

"And they all together think that America should be involved in the negotiations, but without Russia somehow. These are conflicts within that Western camp," he said.

Dacic says he expects that in the next year, about ten countries, and perhaps more, will withdraw the recognition of Kosovo.

"I no longer have to influence those countries, they themselves want to withdraw recognition," he said.