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Zeman: It would be tough, but Prague could withdraw recognition of Kosovo (Beta, N1)

Milos Zeman, the Czech Republic’s President, said on Friday he did not exclude the possibility of Prague’s withdrawal of the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, adding “it would be difficult, but still one day” not impossible, the Beta news agency reported. In an interview with Parlamentnji Listi, a pro-Russian website, Zeman, whose administrative role is more of a ceremonial one, while decisions on such things are within the Government responsibility, has said that “war criminals shouldn’t lead any country in Europe.” Zeman, who has been at odds with the European Union over his anti-migrant and populist politics, and was dubbed the European (US President Donald) Trump, refereed to several Kosovo's leaders who had been questioned about war crimes allegedly committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the 1998-1999 war against Belgrade. “I appreciate the statement by (Defence Minister) Lubomir Metnar who said the recognition of Kosovo was a diplomatic mistake. I share that opinion, and if more countries withdraw that recognition, the Czech Republic could be among them,” Zeman said ahead of his visit to Belgrade next week. He added that one “should not forget that Spain with its Catalan minority did not recognise Kosovo’s independence, neither did Cyprus and Slovakia for a similar reason,” adding that for the Czech Republic it would be more complicated since it did not have any significant minority. However, he reiterated that war criminal shouldn't be leaders in any European country. Prague refused to name an ambassador to Kosovo, and diplomatic ties are at the level of Charge d'Affairs. Zeman said his two-day stay in Belgrade would be mostly about economic issues, but that he would talk about Kosovo with his hosts. “We support the Western Balkans region's gradual approaching to the EU, but I always say – without Kosovo. So, Kosovo would be one of the topics in my meetings in Belgrade,” Zeman said. See at: is external)