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Trajkovic to FoNet: Taking out Kosovo from the preamble is the reason for the dialogue between the authorities and the opposition (KoSSev, Dnevnik)

The president of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic told Belgrade news agency FoNet that the "sole reason" for initiating a dialogue between the authorities and the opposition in Serbia was an attempt to hold and the opposition partially responsible in case Kosovo was taken out from the preamble to the Serbian Constitution.

"Involving the opposition in the responsibility for taking out Kosovo and Metohija from the preamble to the Serbian Constitution" is "the only reason for launching dialogue," Rada Trajkovic told FoNet.

She stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic does not have in the parliament the opposition he needs in order to change the constitution in order to remove Kosovo from the preamble.

According to her, that is the only thing that is expected of Vucic, because he "worked all the internal elements of Kosovo's independence".

"In legal terms, Vucic, by violating the Serbian Constitution, made the transfer of Serbian property onto Kosovo institutions. He also gave Kosovo internal independence in terms of completing its legislative, judicial and executive powers," said Rada Trajkovic.

She added that Serbia, as a state, now has only to sign a legally binding document that essentially means Kosovo in the United Nations.

On the recommendation of the Quint countries to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and sign a binding agreement, Rada Trajkovic said that she thought the message was more addressed primarily to the leaders of Kosovo, and less to Belgrade, because Vucic "has already completed many things politically and legally."