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Schwarz-Schilling: EU should appoint envoy for Kosovo dialogue (FoNet, N1, DW)

Washington has taken the first step to shake up the European Union which is focused on its own problems and the initiative taken by US envoy Matthew Palmer should motivate the countries of the Balkans to find a solution for their problems, former High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina Christian Schwarz-Schilling told Deutsche Welle on Tuesday.

He said the EU should be energetic in solving the problems of the region and its European integration, recalling that the US initiative in the 1990s pushed the Balkans in the right direction. “Experience has shown us that only the solutions agreed by the US and Europe are successful and lasting,” he said and warned that all EU activities to date did not lead to a goal. He said that some European do not like the American initiative.

According to Schwarz-Schilling, Washington feels that it can’t leave the region to Russia and President Donald Trump wants to score another win prior to next year’s elections.

“I warned long ago of the danger of redrawing borders based on ethnic criteria,” he said, adding that Palmer has brought the message that the US do not want to see mono-ethnic but civic states in the Balkans.

Schwarz-Schilling said the EU should appoint a special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the Western Balkans. “Isn’t it time for the Serbian minority in Kosovo to get its own voice and not just wait for Belgrade as the only one speaking on behalf of the Serbs.” he said.

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