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Suspension due to daughter's political engagement? (KIM radio)

KIM radio reported that Sladjana Djokic from Caglavica, a long-time employee of the Pristina Clinical Hospital Centre, received a decision on her suspension on Tuesday. Djokic claimed that the director of the institution, Bratislav Lazic, made the decision because of her daughter’s political involvement.

According to KIM radio report, Djokic claimed that she was recently summoned by the institution’s director, Bratislav Lazic, a member of the Serbian List, to talk about her daughter Sandra’s candidacy at the list of candidates for MPs of Independent Liberal Party (SLS).

She told reporters that Lazic asked of her to influence her daughter to withdraw from SLS, which she refused.

KIM radio reports they tried to get in contact with the Director of Clinical Hospital Center Bratislav Lazic, but that he was away.

President of Independent Liberal Party (SLS) Slobodan Petrovic told the reporters yesterday that this act of Lazic was another form of pressure from representatives of the authorities coming from Serbian List regarding the upcoming elections, KIM radio reported.