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Drenovac: A cow stolen from a returnee (KIM radio)

A cow was stolen from Ranko Bogicevic last night in returnee village Drenovac in Klina/Kllinë municipality, carried Miinstry of Communities and Return.

Ministry stated that it most sharply condemns the theft and stressed that attacks and intimidation of the returnee families negatively influence on return of Serbs to Kosovo and added that such and similar cases are slowing down the pace of already slow process of return.

Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtić requests immediate reaction of authorities in finding the perpetrators of the attack on the property of returnees.

“Police and other factors dealing with security in Kosovo, have to react immediately in order that members of the non-majority communities who returned and intend to return, and those who already live in Kosovo, could receive a clear message that some other bodies, besides the Ministry of Return, care about them,” said Jevtić and added that if intimidation of returnees and attacks on their property continue, and perpetrators are not found in a single case, he will be forced, as the Minister for Communities and Return, to request another way of protection for returnees,” said Jevtić.
