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And where is the union of municipalities? (Vesti)

Belgrade politicians have promised in local elections that they will unify all Serbian municipalities in Kosovo, however six months later there are no traces of that promise.

Unity of Serbs - that is a basic message of candidates of Srpska Ticket, where even the opponents in last local elections managed to find the room for themselves. All harsh words have been put behind and they don’t even remember tough words they exchanged. The main message to voters is that it is about them and that they should decide whether they want or do not want to be asked and make decision in the upcoming period, stressed Branimir Stojanović, principal candidates on Srpska Ticket.

Incumbent Mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë became the principal candidate following Kosovo Central Election Commission’s decision to reject verification of the application of Vladeta Kostić for the principal candidate since he is an MP in the Serbian Assembly.

“There is huge danger ahead of us, if we don’t pass the threshold we could end up in situation that we can’t influence a single process which would be taking place,” argues Stojanović.

It is obvious that they are following steps of the previous coalition Povratak (return). However, ‘survival’ could be more appropriate name for nowadays ticket, taking into account that authorities in Pristina tried through amendments of the Law on General Elections in the Kosovo Assembly and later through elections process helped by Kosovo Central Election Commission, to suppress participation of Serbs in the executive and legislative authority.

From the fervent stages in Gračanica/Graçanicë and Mitrovica/Mitrovicë ‘high officials’ from Belgrade used to speak to voters, ahead of past local elections, about the benefits of Brussels agreements and about the union of Serbian municipalities as the topic above all topics. Six months later there is no union at all, and there are no traces of those politicians in Kosovo, whatsoever. Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, who very much depend on incomes provided by the Serbian budget, are also interested about what will happen with employees in education and health sectors.

“It was agreed, very clear, in Brussels that education and health will remain to operate as they used to operate so far, but much more organized and better, and under the authority of the union of Serbian municipalities. That is most important. Union is not created yet, but not because Serbs didn’t do something but, first of all, because the obstacle was Pristina. Thus, we need these early elections in order to create new government with more capacity to carry out all of it,” said Stojanović.

On question whether that means that there will be money from Belgrade for salaries of Serbs employed in education and health sectors in Kosovo, Stojanović answered: “When you give me a single statement of any high official that the money won’t be provided, that I can tell you something different.”

“Most of all, we need unity amongst the people, honest and full, otherwise it can happen to us that we disappear from this region,” said Stojanović.

Srđan Popović, candidate on the Srpska Ticket form the ranks of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS), claims that those elections are a historical ones and that first step toward the unification has been made.

“This is first time that partisan interests are put aside and that national interests are in the first place. We are united, we have and we will have Belgrade’s support, whereas our true strength aimed at providing better life for Serbs who live here and those who will return, will now come to surface. In order for that unity to take roots, as the only option of our survival and return, it is necessary that as many as possible members of Serbian community turn out in elections,” explained Popović.

“Srpska Ticket has the best candidates and most chances to pass the threshold which we desperately need in order to win more than ten (guaranteed) seats in the Kosovo Assembly. Those seats are very much needed for important decisions referring to the rights of Serbian community,” highlighted Popović. He went on to say that it is very important who would be individuals that will represent Serbian community in Kosovo institutions.

Some analysis show that part of Serbs in the Kosovo parliament, in past four years, have hardly spoken any word in the parliament when important decisions for Serbs were discussed.

“All credits to some individuals, but most of MPs in the Kosovo Assembly were only a decoration in the parliament. That’s why I think that it is important that citizens turn out and vote in order that we avoid situation, we had before, that many MPs, not only that they didn’t take part in discussions, they even didn’t attend the parliament’s sessions. For sure, deputies will be more active in the new parliament, when it comes to decisions refereeing to interests of Serbian community, but other communities who live in Kosovo, as well,” said Srđan Popović.