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Thaci and Haradinaj together? (Danas)

Post-election coalition combinations in Kosovo

Pristina, Belgrade - Regardless of the media post-election coalition combinations among the Kosovo Albanian parties, diplomatic sources in Pristina, by the knowledge of Danas, speculate that the new ruling coalition in Kosovo should form the Democratic Party of Kosovo of Hashim Thaci, the Democratic League of Kosovo of Isa Mustafa and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj.

Unofficial sources of Danas claim that it is not known who will be the prime minister, as Western powers have not agreed on it so far. Along with the dilemma of whether Haradinaj as Prime Minister, who was twice acquitted of charges in Hague tribunal, could deliver Thaci to the future special court for crimes of the KLA, is not excluded and the possibility that, if the head of the new government becomes the AAK leader, Thaci take the place of the President Kosovo.

In Pristina is speculated that the Albanian majority in Parliament could strengthen with Serbian three and ten members of minority communities. Self-Determination movement, although third-placed in the elections will not enter the power until, as part of the Serbian Radical Party, it experience progressives metamorphosis, claim diplomats.

Some sources announce that the Vice President of Kosovo's new government could be Nenad Rasic, president of the Progressive Democratic Party. Rasic says to Danas that "it is early to talk about coalitions, because until the announcement of the final election results all is at the level of informal contacts."

As for the possible participation of the Serbian List, there are many variations: from that they will not be in the government, to the speculation that even before the elections they secretly negotiated with the PDK and the AAK, about which write and some of the Pristina media. Vladeta Kostic, president of the Civic Initiative "Srpska" and SNS deputy in the Serbian parliament, told Danas that he has no information about the alleged contacts with Thaci and Haradinaj.

"The agreement on the further actions of the Serbian List will be known only after meeting with Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, shortly after his return from Berlin. Our position is that we no longer act independently without consultation with the Government of Serbia," says Kostic, who declined to comment on the question whether in connection to the participation of the Serbian List in Kosovo Government he expects the instruction of Chancellor Merkel.

Rada Trajkovic, a candidate for deputy of the Serbian List, believes that "the Serbs should not interfere in inter-Albanian mathematics on the future government."

"We should let the Albanians to agree among themselves and with the international community, especially as soon will be disclosed the indictment for trafficking in human organs. If the Kosovo Government would have 12 ministries, the Serbs belong one, and if there are more than 12 departments, then two ministerial positions will belong to them," says Rada Trajkovic.

Legalistic-political carousel

On Tuesday's "unexpected coalition", of LDK and AAK and the Initiative for Kosovo Fatmir Limaj, who proposed Haradinaj as prime, Thaci responded with an offer of the prime minister's chair also to Haradinaj, provided that the AAK forms a majority with the PDK. Before Thaci’s offer, the Constitutional Court and the Presidency of Kosovo announced with an assessment that Haradinaj's candidature, on behalf of the post-election coalition, is unconstitutional because a Mandate is given by the party with the largest number of votes, in this case the PDK. In Thaci's party claim that in February they have "harmonized relations" with LDK, when the date of early elections and post-election coalition was agreed, report Priština media.