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Liaison Officers, opportunity for an open communication (TV Most)

One of the most tangible results of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade was appointment of two liaison officers, the Belgrade’s one in Pristina and Pristina’s in Belgrade, stated the European Union Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar.

“That doesn’t have only the symbolic significance, but it offers the chance for an open communication between two sides. Belgrade’s liaison officer, Mr Dejan Pavicevic works in the building of the EU Office in Pristina, what enables better ways of direct communication. However, it is more important what both liaison officers are doing with their partners,” said Zbogar in an interview to European Western Balkans site, carried Tanjug.

“Communication between the EU delegations and the headquarters in Brussels presents a basic tool in our everyday work – and this fact is even more important because of the active role of the EU as the one who facilitates dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade,” said Zbogar.

He also said that recent independent research has shown that 79 per cent of Kosovo population would vote for joining the EU on the referendum. “This means that vision and will exist. However, their expectations have, in the same time, become more realistic: they more and more understand that it is about the process based on merits and that there is still a lot to be done,” stressed Zbogar.

“We can’t give concrete date, but we can, together with the Kosovo side, work on precise road-maps and guidelines which will lead integration into the right direction, by removing one after another the barriers on the way to the EU. The journey is more important than the target, because Kosovo will change on that journey for the benefit of its population,” said Zbogar.
