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Omerovic banned from visiting Ivanovic (KIM radio)

The management of the Correctional Service in Kosovska Mitrovica didn’t allow the chairperson of the Serbian parliament’s Committee for Human and Minority Rights Meho Omerovic to pay the visit to the leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Olvier Ivanovic.

The Committee issued a communiqué stating the Omerovic received the permission from Eulex, which he requested through the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, to visit Kosovska Mitrovica.

“The permission from Eulex is obtained for entering Kosovo at (crossing) Jarinje, whereas it was stated in the request that a visit to Oliver Ivanovic is planned and a meeting with his family,” reads the statement.

Despite that, management of the Correctional Service in Kosovska Mitrovica did not allow the visit with justification that Meho Omerovic is a public figure.

Ivanovic is in detention as of 27 February. Indictment is not raised yet while he is suspected for taking part in war crimes and aggravated murder.
