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Miletic: The decision of the Constitutional is a compromise (RTK2)

Vice-President of the Assembly of Kosovo in the previous session Petar Miletic told RTK2 that he interprets the decision of the Constitutional Court as a compromise between the fact that prime has to be from the party that won the most votes and the fact of whether anybody else could be it.

"The decision of the Constitutional Court must be respected and there is no question," said Petar Miletic, Vice President of the Assembly in the previous session, pointing out that it is not good that a situation arose where the Constitutional Court had to judge to whom to give a mandate.

"This decision I interpret as a compromise between the fact that the prime has to be from the largest coalition that won the most votes in the election and whether it could be at all someone else. As it stands now the mandate will be entrusted to the coalition gathered around PDK, if they fail to provide in 15 days at least 61 MPs, then the mandate goes to whoever it can provide," Miletic said.

Branimir Stojanovic, the Serbian List, points that he expects further development of the political situation and whether certain prime will compose the majority.

"What we have already said, and that is that we will not opt nor we will decide between European political leaders who will be the one who will represent the Albanian community in Kosovo, we will leave them to decide. We expect that in the next few weeks the situation will clarify and we will see who is the one who will represent the Albanian people in Kosovo and who has the right to speak on their behalf," said Stojanovic to RTK2.

Rada Trajkovic, a member of the previous session of the Assembly, considers also that the decision of the Constitutional Court must be respected. She points out that whoever forms the government, the Serbian parties should be their partner.

"The decision taken by the Constitutional Court must be respected. Does that someone likes it or not, whether you would like a different procedure - is completely irrelevant. I think that Mr Thaci gained the right to, if he provides the parliamentary majority, form a government and now everything is basically in his hands. On the other hand, the profiled majority is already there made ​​up of a number of parties which participated in the elections, it is a compact Albanian majority of MPs, we know that we are a minority, and no matter which the majority forms the government, we should be its partner," said Rada Trajkovic to RTK2.
