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"Greater Albania" desire that crosses borders (Danas)

I am delighted that I am in Belgrade after 25 years. This shows how difficult the path was to overcome our differences and difficulties in communication and mutual understanding.

My presence here is the real result of the dialogue that took place at a high level on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and we expect the same format of the meeting in Pristina, said to Danas Enver Hoxhaj, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, commenting on the meeting of Ministers of the Western Balkans held in Belgrade last week.

- Three years ago, this visit was unthinkable, and the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs testifies the sovereignty of Kosovo and that it is treated equally in regional and international dimension, as it was at the meeting last week. As foreign minister, I am an advocate and promoter of dialogue as the main instrument towards good neighbourly relations - said Hoxhaj.

Until when the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo will wait for the relations to normalize? Is there a deadline that was given to Kosovo diplomacy to find a solution, or will continually wait for the pressure of the EU?

- The first agreement reached in April 2013 was indeed historic, but it is only the beginning of the historical process that will take several years. Agreement as such has introduced new rules of the game, in terms of relaxation of political relations, although many challenges along the way remain, before we normalize relations. Kosovo wants to continue the dialogue with Serbia and fully implement the agreements reached in Brussels, as well as to continue with the opening of bilateral issues that Kosovo and Serbia need to resolve in the coming years. While the EU is focused on their internal issues before enlargement into this region, Kosovo, Serbia and the whole region should focus on consolidation. For Kosovo and Serbia consolidation means the full normalization of relations in the next four years, and resolution of all outstanding issues. What is important is that the dialogue should not last endlessly and without a clear end goal. For Kosovo, it is to achieve a legally binding agreement at the end of the process, which means peace and the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

To what extent an incident during a football game between representation of Serbia and Albania will affect the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina?

- I do not usually comment on football matches, as it is not on politicians to comment on football from a "political perspective" and all we have to be careful what messages we send in these circumstances. Events that occurred during and after the game are unhappy and everyone need to learn lessons from them. Indeed, a football match between Serbia and Albania has confirmed the need for reconciliation between our societies. As a result of the reactions that come mainly from Serbia, for example, we saw very disturbing events, such as the burning of Albanian bakeries in Serbia, beating of Albanians in southern Serbia and attacks on mosques in Serbia. We all know that maintaining legitimacy in the eyes of its own citizens often pushes leadership to over-react, but when it comes to nationalism, identity and symbols, it is important that the political elite are cautious in their reactions. Thus, recent events show that we should not concentrate only on the normalization of political relations, but we have to work on a systematic and effective process of reconciliation among our societies.

What is your attitude towards the idea of ​​a "Greater Albania"?

- I believe that the Albanians, as well as all other nations in the region, have a tendency, which is to live in a just, fair and prosperous environment both at the domestic and regional levels. It is the desire that crosses state boundaries, on which the region's leaders are working in order to get countries closer to the EU. Kosovo is an independent, multi-ethnic and secular state, and as soon as Serbia recognizes Kosovo, there will be less controversy and discussion about sensitive issues which are echo from the past.

Some officials in Serbia insist on apology from Albania. Do you think they should do it?

- I think Serbian politicians, the media, and other entities were working proactively on defence by blaming drone and our reaction to a major cause of troubles during the game. Anyone who critically assesses the chain of events before the game and before the appearance of the drone on the ground realizes that the Albanian side was denied about many things, including the presence of fans and pressures before the game. Most importantly, the number of incidents and provocations that occurred during the match and that destroyed the match and point to the failure to control hooliganism and hatred towards guests. I think there is no need for an apology from Albanian side, because they are not responsible for what happened on the ground. It should be the responsibility of the Serbian authorities to bring to justice those deviant persons who have entered the field and attacked the Albanian players.

We support the visit of Rama

What is the importance of the arrival of Albanian Prime Minister to Belgrade?

- There is a great need to increase the level of bilateral relations at a high level in all Western Balkan countries, including Serbia and Albania. Kosovo therefore encourages and supports this visit. We believe that it will confirm that our region is on the right track and that we are able to achieve normal relations without having to meet only at the margins of regional and international forums.