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One fifth of citizens would boycott the elections in Kosovo (Kim radio)

In the case of new parliamentary elections in Kosovo, only 29 per cent of respondents know who to vote for, while 17 per cent of respondents said they would not participate in the elections, are results of the "Public Pulse" survey, which was conducted by UNDP and USAID.

The survey included 1,306 adult citizens of Kosovo, from all municipalities and all national communities - 896 Albanians, 210 Serbs and 200 members of other minorities.

Respondents declared that only 29 per cent of them will vote for a particular party or coalition. In April, before the June elections, 54 per cent of respondents said they would vote for a particular party.

14 per cent of respondents do not have political affiliations, while 17 per cent stated they would not vote again.

On the question of whether will be better or worse if the opposition coalition take power in Kosovo, 37.5 per cent of respondents refused to answer or declared that they don’t know. In addition, 25 per cent believe that it would be better, while 23 per cent believe the opposite. It's too early to give an opinion on what will be the results of the new government is the answer of 15 per cent of respondents.

When asked how their vote in possible elections may affect the change of the situation, 45 per cent of the respondents declared that it cannot. In April this opinion had 37 per cent. Now another 22 per cent of respondents did not know whether their vote could influence the change of situation for a better, while 31 per cent of potential voters feel their vote can change the situation. In April this opinion had 47 per cent of respondents.