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"Serbia not giving up either on EU or territorial integrity" (B92,Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that Serbia "does not give up on its European path or its territorial integrity."

"Serbia is trying to pursue a responsible policy, a policy in the interest of the people," said Vucic when asked to comment on President Tomislav Nikolic's position that recognition of Kosovo will be EU's condition.

Vucic said that "Serbua iss on the European path and cooperates with everyone in the world."

"Serbia is becoming an important factor, not only in the region, but also throughout Europe owing to its responsible politics," Vucic said during a visit to Krupanj, western Serbia.

Serbia will fulfill its European obligations and cooperate with its friends, both in the east and the west, he said.

"Thanks to the responsible approach of our government, there is sometimes a dose of envy in some countries that were way ahead of Serbia, and now according to forecasts, including those by very conservative institutions such as the IMF, it is clear that in a few years they would not be ahead of Serbia" he said.

"Therefore, it is not strange that you are often responding to accusations that have no sense or questions that you do not understand fully," Vucic said.

"Many demagogic and populist critics of the government say that the public sector salaries have dropped, but they went down because nothing was done in the previous years," said Vucic.