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How to resolve the issue of property of Serbian companies in Kosovo (RTS)

Belgrade expects the issues of Kosovo and other property on 9 February before the negotiators in Brussels. "Trepca" not the topic, Pristina says.

Government of Serbia would gladly see "Trepca" on the negotiating table in Brussels on February 9, when the prime ministers would meet for the first time, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa.

Prime Minister Vucic said that Serbia managed to fight for the correct interpretation of the international community over "Trepca" and that Pristina wants to finish everything on the property issue before opening of the topic in Brussels.

"Trepca" is, however, only the crown of the big question - what will happen to the assets of large state systems in Kosovo?

On Brezovica paths, order is maintained by Serbian ski-judges ... Pristina had tried to take over the resort few times, or to build a new one. Serbia has invested for six years a million and a half euros, and now saves another 36 million for modernization. Cooperation is minimal with the authorities in Pristina.

"We function as a ski resort, without relying on their administration. As far as electricity supply, cleaning of local or regional roads, it is functioning, and we have mainly guests from Pristina, Skopje and surrounding areas," says Dejan Ljevnaić, director of "Ski Resorts Serbia ".

"From our side watching, managerial we can manage it together, but ownership is undeniable our," says Ljevnaić.

It is not only about Brezovica, among the large systems, there is the EPS Belgrade, for Pristina it is the KEK and the company for transmission of electricity. The "Post of Serbia" for Pristina is the Post of Kosovo, as well as "Telekom." Property of "Serbia forests" Pristina treats as part of the Kosovo Forest Agency.

Pristina Airport is part of the international franchises and is called "Adem Jashari". "Serbian Railways" in Pristina are treated as Kosovo Railways, while the assets of NIS Petrol are considered as part of Kosova Petrol.

And social, as well as private property, Serbia will put on the Brussels negotiating table.

"We are very interested in the property issue, and I believe that Pristina has reason to be concerned, because while in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija there are conflicting views of who owns what, you cannot expect greater inflow of investments or improvement of the economic environment," says Marko Djuric, Director of the Office of the Government of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija.

Asked whether Serbia now wants to talk about the debt, Djuric says that talks about the property include discussions on all subjects, including debts.

"We are still paying off international debts for the property over which we have no control. We have accepted 13-14 years ago a debt of 858 million euros to Paris, London Club, the World Bank, Serbia borrowed and invested heavily in the area of Kosovo and Metohija," says Veljko Odalović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci knows what will not negotiate with Belgrade.

"Yesterday we passed a special law in Parliament, we almost pulled Trepca from bankruptcy and we have gained time to bring international experts and with them bring an adequate legislation, which would stabilize the conglomerate that would be profitable for Kosovo. The issue of Trepca will be a subject to discussions with other countries because it is the wealth of Kosovo," said Thaci.

Pristina analysts, in addition to the Brussels negotiating table, see some more places for solution of the property issue.

"If there is disagreement, then it should be resolved in some other way - whether it's an internal arbitration, domestic ... or a court, and to settle all these claimants and those who claim to have capital," says Ibrahim Rexhepi, an economic analyst.

Since 2009, when Kosovo was admitted to the World Bank, debts towards the institution had to be divided.