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SNF: Delivery of symbols to the municipality unprecedented incident (KIM Radio)

Serbian National Forum (SNF) condemned the delivery of Kosovo Constitution and the flag to Gračanica/Graçanicë Municipality by the Democratic Party of Kosovo’s youth on the very day of anniversary of the crime against Serbs which took place in Livadice near Podujevo/Podujevë. SNF communicated that such gesture presents unprecedented and tasteless incident.

SNF sharply condemned the provocation which took place on the very sad anniversary that is remembered with the deep sorrow, and added that it looks like that someone tried to mock with the victims of the crime that took place 14 years ago. SNF also criticized local leadership for their poor reaction and voiced hope that local leadership of Gračanica/Graçanicë, and other leaderships representing Serbs, will in future approach to such sensitive moments with better political balance, care and determination.

16 February marks 14 years since the attack on the ‘Nis Express’ bus, carrying displaced Serbs from Serbia proper to Kosovo, when 12 displaced Serbs were killed and 43 wounded  on their way to  Gračanica/Graçanicë  where they were supposed to visit graveyards of their beloved ones and mark the ‘All Souls Day’.

Serbian National Forum is a non-governmental organization formed in late August 2014 aiming at gathering Serb intellectuals with the capacities to advise on main issues faced by Kosovo Serbs.
