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Stojanovic: Murati’s statement scandalous (KIM Radio)

Statement of the Minister Murati where he accused non-majority communities for migration of Albanians from Kosovo is scandalous, and reflects hatred toward those who are not the majority in Kosovo, said Deputy Kosovo Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic.

In his reaction on the Minister for Diaspora Valon Murati’s statement that reasons for massive migration of Albanians from Kosovo lays in ‘privileged position of minorities’, Stojanovic said that this statement has nothing to do with the truth and requested from the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to react.

“Prime Minister should provide the answer on whether this is the official policy of the government or private statement of Murati. This can jeopardize our future decisions, and it presents unacceptable attitude toward those who suffered and are still suffering today,  and who live in very hard conditions, whereas today they are blamed for something that are not guilty of,” said Stojanovic and described such statement as hypocrisy. He went on to say that Serbs are expecting answers and if the answer won’t be the one it is expected to be, this will influence their behavior in future.

He reminded that many rights of Serbs are jeopardized in Kosovo and that they were the ones who suffered all consequences of the wrong policy led in past 15 years by majority
