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Moscow condemns Albanian PM's remarks on unification (Tanjug)

MOSCOW - Renewed "pan-Albanian" rhetoric is unlikely to contribute to preserving the climate of stability and good neighborhood relations in the Balkans, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a comment to remarks of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on Kosovo's unification with Albania.

"Moscow paid attention to the April 4 remarks made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama who said that the Albanians could unite in the classical sense, i.e. by altering borders in the region if the European integration of Albania and Kosovo was not accelerated," Russia's Tass news agency quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"We assume that no matter what considerations or motives could stand behind Rama's words, the recurrence of the pan-Albanian rhetoric is unlikely to contribute to preserving the climate of stability and good-neighborliness in the Balkan region, which is vital for Russia and other European countries," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.
