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Brussels process: two-way, ambiguous, fatal or historic one? (KIM Radio)

Implementation of the reached agreements and reaching new ones in the Brussels process is sometimes unnecessarily delayed, said participants of the public debate dubbed “Implementation of the Brussels agreements, what has been accomplished, and what was not?”, that took place in the Media Center in village Čaglavica in Gračanica/Graçanicë municipality.

Member of the Pristina negotiation team in talks with Belgrade Dren Zeka said the Kosovo government values the process that was launched in 2011 with the technical dialogue, which was later continued with meetings at the high political level. As a major achievement Zeka highlighted agreement from 19 April 2013. He further said that there are some approximations of stands when it comes to Association/Community of Serb municipalities, energy, telecommunications and the Peace Park, however texts have not been harmonized yet. He also claims that agreements in those four areas should come in one package.

The only Serb MP from the ranks of Progressive Democratic Party in the Kosovo parliament, Nenad Rašić, said at the debate that Brussels process could be fatal for Kosovo Serbs. He explained that thousands of Serbs will be set out of the payrolls from the Serbian system, which will have direct economic, political and demographic consequences for Kosovo Serbs, and added that pace of implementation of the agreements is very poor.

Political analyst from Pristina Albinot Maloku argues that every agreement in Brussels is ambiguous, and that every each of them was interpreted in two ways with two goals.

The director of the Social Studies Institute from Belgrade, Pavle Dimitrijevic, said that the core value of the Brussels process is that it presents the safe channel for communication between two sides, which are trying to reach settlements.