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Tsipras equation: Kosovo for money (Blic)

The package of conditions that Greece must meet in order to receive financial assistance of the West, is the recognition of Kosovo, Blic learns from diplomatic sources.

More frequent media headlines in Greece and the announcements of Greek analysts that “Kosovo is Serbia's lost battle” have their background. Greece will need to play by the game rules of the West due to the vulnerable financial situations.

-A miracle needs to happen that Greece does not recognise Kosovo in next few months, a year at most. Serbian diplomacy will have to make a great effort in order for Athens to give up from recognition or at least to delay it-claims one of the interlocutors of Blic.

In order receive much needed money, Athens will need to fulfil not only economic but also political conditions. According to Blic findings, Alexis Tsipras and his administration would cite, as reasons for recognition of Kosovo, anger at certain statements made by Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic.

-Apparently Tsipras badly received criticism by Vucic at the expense of the Greek economic model, while Dacic criticized statements of the Head of Greek diplomacy – says source of Blic.

Although those are not the real reasons, Tsipras has to present it as his own policy. One of the reasons would be Serbia’s recognition of FYROM under its Constitutional name.

Analyst Dusan Janjic said that he expected that to happen already in fall. He assumed that Tsipras would be pragmatic and that he would recognise Kosovo in order to postpone the issue on FYROM name.

- He would have to make concessions; in this case it will be Kosovo - said Janjic.