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17 years since the disappearance of journalists near Orahovac (KiM radio)

Today is 17th anniversary from the kidnapping of journalists from Radio Pristina, Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic.

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) will visit today the memorial dedicated to the missing colleagues, in a place between Velika Hoca and Zociste, where they were seen last time. On the memorial stone is written in Serbian and Albanian language: "Here, on 21 August 1998, disappeared journalists. We're looking for them."

UNS and DNKiM will again request from the competent institution EULEX and UNMIK, Office of the War Crimes Prosecution of the Republic of Serbia and the Special Court for War Crimes in Kosovo (which should be established) to launch an investigation and through the institution of protected witnesses stimulate investigations and individuals to speak out about the crimes committed against journalists.

On 21 August 1998, Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic went to the monastery Sveti Vraci in Zočište to make report about the return of the kidnapped monks. They were last seen in Velika Hoca, in the morning, from where they mistakenly went to Orahovac, which at that time was under the control of the Kosovo Liberation Army. The car in which they were, blue Zastava 128, has never been found.

To date, families Perenic and Slavuj have no official information about their fate.

The Memorial to the missing colleagues, which UNS and DNKiM will visit, was set for the fourth time at the end of May this year, since previous three times it was demolished.
