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Biggest investment, or plundering of Brezovica? (RTK2)

While waiting for French consortium to submit financial guarantees for the construction of  Tourist Center Brezovica, distrust toward this master plan is growing, whereas Serbian Ski Resorts have informed the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa that they would launch a procedure requesting international arbitration with regard to Kosovo government’s decision to expropriate property of the Ski Resorts Brezovica (Serbian Public Company). There was no reaction so far on the side of the Kosovo government and relevant ministries.

Value of the entire construction project of Touristic Center Brezovica amounts to EUR 409 million and French consortium plans to invest EUR 165 million in first three years, whereas the only thing that is pending is financial guarantee.

Director of the Serbian Ski Center Brezovica Dragan Redžić said that he wishes this investment to take place because premises should not remain in the condition they are in currently. However he voiced suspicion in honesty and motives of the investor, since any investor would wish his money to be returned as a profit as soon as possible, whereas this market has no such potential, claims Redžić.