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Half of residents in northern Kosovo without opinion on Brussels Agreement (RTS)

Majority of residents in northern Kosovo are not satisfied with the current situation in that part of the province, whereas when it comes to institutions, Serbian Government is most trusted institution shows a poll conducted by the informal group of 14 NGOs from the north. The poll shows that Serbian Government is trusted by 14,3 per cent of residents, provisional bodies (Belgrade-sponsored) 12,2 per cent, whereas municipalities created after local elections in 2013  enjoy 10.8 per cent of trust.

At the presentation of survey results in the Center for Civic Energy in Mitrovica North it was said that only 10 per cent of citizens from northern Kosovo have positive opinion about the Brussels Agreement, whereas 83,2 per cent of them say that Brussels Agreement did not improve the freedom and rights of Serbs while half of respondents have no stand at all about the Brussels Agreement due to its non-transparent manner of presentation.

Results have also shown that Association/Community of Serb municipalities is seen as the most important part of the Brussels Agreement that should provide unhindered functioning of institutions in the areas of health, education and continued financing from Belgrade. Serbs in the north also fear withdrawal of international community from Kosovo, because it would, according to respondents, influence their massive migration.

The poll, encompassing 799 respondent, was conducted in northern Kosovo municipalities with Serb majority from May until July by members of the ‘Platform for analysis and surveys’, an informal group of NGOs from northern Kosovo created within the project ‘Strengthening of the capacities of the civic society aimed at more efficient influence on a decision making processes’.
