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In the fall a new step towards Europe (Vecernje Novosti)

When in January officially launched negotiations between Serbia and the European Union, the first intergovernmental conference in Brussels announced that our country will go the European way with steps of seven miles. However, six months since then, the pace of the negotiations taking place does not look very encouraging. Because, Serbia so far has not open any negotiation chapter.

The procedure, however, requires a screening of the chapters, which can be a lengthy process. However, it was expected that some chapter, therefore and the negotiations is opened on the intergovernmental conference. And it was announced for 25th Jun. However, it was not held, and the reason, apparently, should be sought in currently stalled dialogue with Pristina.

This conclusion suggests and the visit of German parliamentarians, led by Andreas Schockenhoff, who as a rule are coming to Serbia when an unpleasant news need to be delivered.

- Germany will not give the green light for the opening of negotiating chapters until two key requirements are met - application of the Brussels Treaty and rendering a guilty verdict for the attack on the German embassy – said Schockenhoff.

Does the message show that the negotiations between Serbia and the European Union are again at "idle"?

- Negotiations are not at a standstill, and we could hear it not only from our officials, but also from representatives of the European Commission, as well as officials of the member states of the EU - said to Novosti Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister in charge of European integration.

The custom of the Brussels administration is that each country, presiding during its six-month mandate, organizes a so-called. Intergovernmental conference with the country that started the negotiation process. At these meetings are open and close negotiation chapters. The first such meeting was organized by Greece, in January, when the entire process started. In spite of European mores, Athens intended, at the end of its presidency, to organize at the end of June another conference, at which would be open and the first chapter. The Greek representative in Brussels confirmed to Novosti that they tried to do so, but failed to reach a consensus among the member states.

In the December European Council conclusions it was pointed out that, under the new rules, chapters 23 and 24 relating to the judiciary and fundamental rights, justice, freedom and security should be opened "the first". The states that represent the harder line literally understood this message, and they wanted the specified chapters to be opened first. The Greeks, however, wanted to allow us to open the chapter relating to financial control, where we are the most prepared.

Ivica Dacic, Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Serbia considers useful to open the toughest chapters at the early stages of negotiations.

- The experience of other states shows us how hard it is to deal with delays in the negotiation of important areas where negotiations enter their final phase. Therefore, we consider it useful to pay more attention to the most difficult chapters 23 and 24. EU provides opening of these chapters, relating to the rule of law and the functioning of the rule of law, and in the case of Serbia and Chapter 35, which refers to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina - Dacic said.

Serbia’s new step on the European path so stayed for the Italians. Intergovernmental Conference with Serbia within their organization is expected in the fall, when, finally, first chapter could be unlocked. Experts on European issues are convinced, however, that it all could have been improved. Because it is obvious that, depending on how quickly and efficiently Belgrade talks with Pristina in Brussels, more or less they will be sympathetic to get the process of our European integration into the next gear.

And analysts believe that the key of negotiations is in Brussels agreement.

- This document assumes that both Belgrade and Pristina are to meet what is required - says analyst Dragoljub Andjelkovic. - But the EU pressures only Belgrade. One gets the impression that some see the document as a road to capitulation, not to compromise. In these circumstances, Belgrade would have to choose either the EU or to agree to abandon national interests in Kosovo, which no government should do.

In the opinion of Djordje Vukadinović, negotiations are stuck because they were incorrectly set. He emphasized that the relation of the EU is the same towards all our governments:

- At the beginning we start with great enthusiasm and credulity on our side, and then they realize that the conditions that are set either they cannot or they do not want to meet. And the conditions are just changing, it used to be The Hague, then Kosovo, today it is Russia, tomorrow something else...