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Shooting incidents in Serb enclave in Kosovo (B92,Tanjug)

Several houses, vehicles and a memorial site were shot at early on Monday in the Serb village of Gorazdevac in Kosovo. Nobody was injured during the incidents.

Minister for Return and Communities in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic told Tanjug that the incidents happened around three o'clock in the morning local time (CET) and that two cars were damaged. According to him, attackers shot five times at the home of the five-member Petrovic family. One bullet was recovered in the bathroom.

They then tried to set on fire a memorial in the center of the village, demolishing it in the process, and setting a car on fire, Jevtic said. The Kosovo police have investigated the scene, Tanjug reported.

Serbian government's Kosovo Office Director Marko Djuric condemned the attack he said was perpetrated by Albanian extremists and called on Serbs to remain calm and not respond to provocations.

"The attackers' unequivocal goal is to intimidate the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija in order to force them to leave, while the Crystal Night in Gorazdevac bears all the hallmarks of terrorism," Djuric said in a statement for the media, calling on the international community to respond to the situation "with utmost seriousness."
