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Djuric: Media in Pristina blame Serbs for anti-Serb incidents (RTS, B92)

Marko Djuric, the director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, said that media in Pristina have focused on blaming Serbs for the attacks in the village Gorazdevac, a Serb enclave in Peć/Pejë municipality.

Djuric told the public broadcaster RTS said that all the leading dailies in Kosovo carry articles about Serbs staging the attack against themselves and about Serbian security structures being behind it. “I think it shows how bad the political climate is for our compatriots who live there,” Djuric said.

He added that representatives of Serbia, on the occasion of the attacks in Gorazdevac - that targeted private homes, cars, and a memorial dedicated to murdered children and NATO victims - spoke with all relevant international officials. "I think the international community has called for an urgent investigation. However, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohoja no longer trust local institutions and expect KFOR, the international community, international organizations that are present there, to provide them with security," Djuric said.
