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Serbian Office for Kosovo rejects Ivanovic case allegations (KIM Radio)

Deputy Director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo Dusan Kozarev rejected allegations by former US diplomat and UN representative in Kosovo Gerald Gallucci about the involvement of Belgrade in the arrest of Oliver Ivanovic. "This idea is so monstrous and absurd that it does not deserve comment. Therefore, I fear that that the main intention of the author was not to express his concern for the fate of Ivanovic, but to create a rift between the Serbs in Kosovo, and the only people who sincerely care about their fate [people from Serbia and state - Translator]," said Kozarev.

He says that “anyone who is willing to in any way join the initiative to release Ivanovic from political persecution is welcome, but Gallucci has stated untruths about Belgrade's involvement in the imprisonment of Ivanovic. The Government of Serbia and its representatives are trying to help Ivanovic and his family in every way. This is obvious to every citizen,” added Kozarev.