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Joksimovic: Vucic maps the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels (N1)

The President of the Centre for Foreign Policy, Aleksandra Joksimovic says that it is important, for both Belgrade and Pristina, to find responsible for the bomb attack on a facility in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the SNS rally and the speech of PM Aleksandra Vucic.  Resolving the attack, according to her, is in the interest of all - in Kosovo and in Belgrade.

Joksimovic says that it is not clear how the attack occurred, who was the initiator and with what intentions. She nevertheless points out that the instability in Kosovo clearly is no longer linked only with the Albanian corps, it is clear that and among the Serbs in northern Kosovo there is dissatisfaction about the implementation of the Brussels agreement.

When it comes to messages that Prime Minister Vucic addressed during a visit to Kosovo, Joksimovic says that Kosovo today is not in the centre of the election campaign, but that it is important for all to show that this topic is on the agenda.

She sees Vucic's visit to the north of Kosovo as a "mapping of further continuation of the negotiations in Brussels."

The Prime Minister of Serbia, according to her, has put in the first plan, while he was in Kosovo, the topics that he considered to be important for the negotiating table in Brussels.

One of these issues is also property in Kosovo, says Joksimovic and points out that there are no simple solutions in this area, but that there has to be discussions and that some agreements must be achieved.